Tuesday, June 5, 2018

                         Extreme Variety

Over 30 years ago Larry Smarr, professor of computer science at UCSD, first proposed the idea of super computer centers based at universities and convinced the National Science Foundation to fund these centers. He also developed systems allowing the internet to be created, but more recently his work has focused on another of his brainstorms, Calit 2, which explores advanced digital technology for medical practice. The structure and work of Calit 2 has been so successful that top level computer scientists have left much better paying jobs to join Smarr in his work.

In addition to computer applications Smarr has studied medical research, concluding that lifestyle was the critical variable for good health and longevity. Optimally, this is patient controlled as he demonstrated in the management of his own Crohn's disease. Exercise, sleep and relaxation are all important features of best lifestyle but diet is the most critical. Smarr has concluded that the gut microbiota are key to many aspects of health including his own Crohn's. Maintaining a wide variety of "good" gut microbes requires the right food. Smarr attempts to eat 32 varieties of whole plant food regularly, often incorporating them into smoothies. He comments- "Although I am not a vegetarian, I am a follower of what Thomas Jefferson once said: "I eat meat only as a condiment to the vegetables which constitute my principal diet."" Smarr cites Michael Pollan's classic book,  In Defense of Food, as an excellent analysis of the best approach to diet. He limits animal products to a maximum of 10% of his diet.



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